Thames’ 150th Birthday Run – Wednesday 17th October 2018

By some amazing coincidence, the 150thanniversary of Thames’ inaugural run back in 1868 fell on a regular Wednesday Training night. Last night, 24 members ran around an 8-mile route that was a close as we could get to the course used in 1868, starting and finishing at our original home, The Kings Head in Roehampton.

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Winning start for the Ladies

A successful start to the Season for Thames’ Ladies as they convincingly win (48 points) the team competition (2nd place SLH had 135 points)

Our 150th Birthday

The 150th birthday of Thames Hare & Hounds falls on Wednesday 17th October 2018. To celebrate this, our members will be running over the course used for the club’s first run on October 17th 1868. Further details can be found here.

Opening Run

The Short Distance Handicap and Challenge Race was the first club run of the new season.

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Surrey Road Relays

Our 151st season kicked off on Saturday with the Surrey Road Relay Championship which was a great day as always. Seven Thames teams enjoyed the unseasonably warm weather with some fine performances.

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